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El Patio




El Patio




This project was developed  for a Spanish beer Company located in Granada, Cervezas Alambra

Since the begining of the proposal Nacho has used  “La Alambra” as a reference and inspiration for this Project.


The open and transparent aspects of the installation are a “wink” to “El patio de los Leones”.

This open spaces and arrengement of chais encourage the public to take time, open up their senses and observe.


The chairs with really long backs resemble the slender and Slim shaft from the Alambra columns , in this case they support  the big  stained glass where natural  light has an important function creating light and shadows dictated by the bottle design and produce a group of geometric decorations .


The melted bottles that rest on the structure créate a game of shapes and colours where the public feels, like in “El patio de los leone”s, invited to rest and contemplation.


To conduct the work Nacho has used a barley paste mix to give the body and color to the metal chairs and melted more tan 1.000 bottles of beer for the stained glass roof.



Commission Project for The beer company  Alambra


Name: El Patio
Year: 2018

Materials: Metal frame, Barley paste, Melted glass beer bottles 

Type: Chairs installation

Photography:  courtesy of Cervezas Alambra

Company: Cervezas Alambra


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